ProductionCastStaff & CrewOrchestraPhoto GalleryProgram

Shrek the Musical
Based on the DreamWorks Animation Motion Picture and the book by William Steig
Book and Lyrics by David Lindsay-Abraire
Music by Jeanine Tesori
January 17-26, 2014
Performed at Naperville Central High School Auditorium
In Alphabetical Order
Mama Shrek, Fairy Godmother | Anna Marie Ahonen |
Wendy | Rachel Becker |
Snow White’s Evil Witch, Dragonette, Blind Mouse | Andrea Behegan |
Alice | Rita Boffa |
Rapunzel | Natalie Broschka |
Pinocchio, Pied Piper | Brett Bush |
King Harold, Thelonius | Dan Colbert |
Gingy | Molly Durava |
Wicked Witch, Dragonette, Blind Mouse | Laurie Kometz Edwalds |
Flying Bird, Happy Person | Lauren Fisher |
Papa Shrek, Piggy, Knight | Tairen M. Foster |
Snow White | Kara Garland |
Elf | Sabrina Gomez |
Papa Bear, Captain of the Guard, Farquaad Attendee, Dragon Puppeteer | Jay Hruska |
Queen Lillian, Mama Bear | Barb Kohley |
Peter Pan, Teen Fiona | Emma Lee |
Walter the Greeter, Bishop, Farquaad Attendee, Happy Person | Rick Love |
Deer, John | Max Martin |
Michael | Luke McClure |
Tinkerbell, Bunny | Sklyar McClure |
Rapunzel’s Mother Goethel, Dragonette, Blind Mouse | Becky Messerschmidt |
Mad Hatter | Sophie Michael |
Lord Farquaad | Paul Mullen |
Fiona | Alex Oechsel |
Piggy, Knight | Chris Oechsel |
Ugly Duckling | Taylor Oechsel |
Humpty Dumpty, Happy Person | Kate Pomrenke |
Grumpy Dwarf | Ryan Renc |
Shrek | Mike Restaino |
Sugar Plum Fairy | Avery Sipla |
Puss in Boots, Young Fiona | Sofia Swanson |
Farquaad Attendee | Chad Sype |
Baby Bear | Max Sype |
Wolf, Dragon Puppeteer | Bobby Taves |
Donkey | Aronzo Traylor II |
Piggy, Knight | Stuart Vance |
Dragon | Chelsea Ward |
Young Shrek, White Rabbit | Michael Winner |
Happy Person
Leen Abusalem |
Madeleine Barbeau |
Caitlin Fisher |
Connie Fisher |
Nicole McCallion |
Clare O’Donnell |
Eve Scharfenberg |
Jillian Gomez |
Kristy Kesselring |
Isabella Newhuis |
Doris Olsen |
Kendall Olsen |
Katie Paulsen |
Tina Boffa |
Clare Elaine Collins |
Maria Rottersman |
Chad Sype |
Justin Lee |
Michael Winner |
Duloc Citizens
Leen Abusalem |
Caitlin Fisher |
Connie Fisher |
Lauren Fisher |
Max Martin |
Nicole McCallion |
Clare O’Donnell |
Kate Pomrenke |
Ryan Renc |
Eve Scharfenberg |
Rita Boffa |
Tina Boffa |
Barb Kohley |
Luke McClure |
Maria Rottersman |
Max Sype |
Duloc Performers
Madeleine Barbeau |
Rachel Becker |
Jillian Gomez |
Sklyar McClure |
Kristy Kesselring |
Sophie Michael |
Doris Olsen |
Kendall Olsen |
Sofia Swanson |
Bobby Taves |
Chelsea Ward |
Leen Abusalem |
Madeleine Barbeau |
Caitlin Fisher |
Connie Fisher |
Lauren Fisher |
Clare O’Donnell |
Kate Pomrenke |
Eve Scharfenberg |
Pied Piper’s Tap Rats |
Natalie Broschka |
Clare Elaine Collins |
Molly Durava |
Kara Garland |
Sabrina Gomez |
Justin Lee |
Emma Lee |
Isabella Newhuis |
Taylor Oechsel |
Katie Paulsen |
Avery Sipla |
Chelsea Ward |
Staff & Crew
Production Staff
Producer | Kate Ray |
Director | Kris Visher |
Assistant Director | Melissa Matthews |
Vocal Director | Matt Colbert |
Music Director | John Apple |
Choreogrpaher | Jeni Donahue |
Technical Director | Chris Wych |
Scenic Design | Chris Wych |
Lighting Design | Bob Haddleton |
Sound Design | Marty Lick |
Stage Manager | Timothy Ray |
Costumes | Beth Lee |
Hair and Make-up | Ranee Martin |
Properties and Set Decoration | Jody Lee, Rosanne McCallion |
Publicity | Jodi Bernicky |
Photographers | Connie Fisher, Jim Visher |
Rehearsal Accompanist | Michelle Braxton |
House Managers | Carol Durava, Matt Fisher |
Box Office Manager | Joe Ray |
Naperville Park District Program Director | Brittany Malatt |
Technical Crew
Deck Manager | Bob Ludlam |
Fly Rail Captain | Simone Pacha |
Backstage Crew | Michael Doll, Eric Haddleton, Jill Hruska, Jill Ludlam, Morgan Milmore, Jim Visher, Alice Wych |
Light Board Operator | Melissa Matthews |
Sound Board Operator | Marty Lick |
Spotlight Operators | Joshua Coronado, Jake Wych |
Master Carpenter | Dylan Marks |
Electrician | Eric Haddleton |
Set Construction | Chris Wych, Bob Becker, Mergan Hovany, Jay Hruska, Bob Ludlam, Joe Ray, Jim Visher, Alice Wych, Jake Wych |
Dragon Construction | Mikey Saubert of Saubert Puppets |
Costume Committee | Leigh Barbeau, Lisa Becker, Judy Gordan, Jill Hruska, Valerie Lee, Laura Lee, Ranee Martin, Becky Messerschmidt, Neveen Michael, Andrea Michael, Kate Ray, Leia Scharfenberg, Avery Sipla, Brita Sypre, Donna Van, Jim Visher, Kris Visher, Jodi Winner |
Hair and Make-up Committee | Brianna Bell, Diane Link, Gail McClure, Dawn DeAnda Medina, Bobby Taves |
Properties and Set Decoration Committee | Karen Garland, AJ Lee, Patrick Lee, Nicole McCallion |
Publicity Committee | Connie Fisher, Matt Fisher, Kelly McClintock, Timothy Ray, Lauren Visher |
Sign Language Interpreters | Patti Shore Kaden, Sheila Kettering |
Conductor: John Apple
Flute/Piccolo | Gina Torbett |
Alto Saxophone/Tenor Saxophone/Clarinet/Flute | Corbin Anderson |
Horn | Leigh Apple |
Trumpet | Amy Huggins |
Trombone | Janae Lemmert |
Keyboards | Heather Lister, Bob Kresz |
Guitars | Kevin Brown, Mike Osterman |
Bass | Chuck Torbett |
Drums | Jim Schluchter |
Percussion | Tony Garcia |