Magical Starlight Theatre was formed in September 1994 and is a program of The Naperville Park District. Magical Starlight’s express mission is to produce quality, family-oriented theatrical presentations. Magical Starlight strives to include community actors and production staff of all ages in its productions. Included have been such classics as The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, and Beauty and the Beast along with newer productions such as Shrek, Mary Poppins and The Little Mermaid. Magical Starlight provides a unique opportunity for adults and young people to work together as peers and learn from one another. In addition, a conscious effort is made to include as many family members as possible in all aspects of each production.
Mission Statement
Magical Starlight Theatre is a community whose purpose is to create quality family-oriented theatrical productions; to develop a creative, supportive environment for artists; and to expand our community connection through the arts.
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Contact Us
Magical Starlight Theatre
c/o Naperville Park District
320 W. Jackson Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
(630) 848-5000